Friday, January 8, 2016

Happy 2016!!!!!

Happy New Year!

While I thoroughly enjoyed Christmas and the granddarlings and seeing family and friends, I am just as thoroughly happy that the Holidays are behind us and life is getting back to normal.  The tree is put up, the halls are undecked, and all the outside Christmas decorations are down. Now if I can lose the five pounds I picked up over the Christmas break, life would be almost perfect.

If you have read my blog for a while or researched my archives, you know that I do not make New Year’s Resolutions.  That just sounds too stressful and life is stressed enough as it is.  I do, however, make New Year Suggestions.  This is sounds less threatening and if I don’t follow through, I don’t carry around the guilt. 

It’s kind of like eating chocolate without worrying about the calories.

I celebrated New Year’s Eve by attending a surprise birthday party for my daughter-in-love.  After I got back home, I hit my quilt room because I had at least two hours before the ball dropped and 2016 ushered itself in.   I stood in the doorway and reflected on what I had done in 2015 – I have 20 tops ready to be quilted, three completed syllabi for classes, and a half-a-dozen works-in-progress.  I do need to re-visit Jane this year as I have had to leave her hanging by her border triangles for far too long. 

And hopefully in 2016, I will be able to re-possess my big quilt studio, as the daughter and son-in-love will be moving out on February 9.  So my tiny quilt room looks like total chaos right now.  I’ve taken this transitionary opportunity to go through my stash and sort, fold, and bolt material.

I’ve also reflected on just what kind of quilter I am…

I do like to take classes and teach classes.  I love to share with other quilters and learn from them, too.  So I am a “joiner.”  Guilds, bees, groups --  I have membership in at least eight quilting groups.  For years, by necessity, I functioned as a “lone quilter.”  When I started quilting in 1988, there were no groups that I knew of and instruction was few and far between.  Those logistics, coupled with the fact I had two small children and was working made either option almost impossible even if I could find them.  So I am  a “Social Quilter.”

I’m also tend to quilt some each day.  Ideally, I like to do some piecing, applique, or quilting before I go to work.  It settles and centers my mind and thoughts.  Regardless, it’s a rare day that some fabric doesn’t find its way between my fingers and my needle. 

Those are two things I don’t want to ever change about the quilting me.

However, I do hope this year to be more like this…. 

Organized and on point…. 

Instead of like this…

Which is what is seems like most of 2015 has been like.

I did finish one top and several squares over the two weeks I’ve been away and will be posting picture of them on next week’s blog. 

Until then…

Love and Stitches…



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