Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Churn Dash -- Block 5 At Piece with Time

This is a really easy, really quick block that has a rich history.  Churn Dash is block that has been around for a long time.  Any trip down quilt history lane will include that block.  It is a glorified nine-patch that has gone by a multitude of names, including Broken Plate, Double Monkey Wrench, Double T, Dragon's Head, Fisherman's Reel, Hole in the Barn Door, Indian Hammer, Joan's Doll Quilt, Lincoln's Platform, Love Knot, Ludlow's Favorite, Old Mill Design,  Picture Frame, Puss in Corner, Quail's Nest, Sherman's March, Shoo Fly, and Wrench.  It is rumored to be an important block in the Underground Railroad Quilts, but quilt historians and scholars cast some doubt on that fact.

However, for  our quilt, it represents work...not the housework, or yard work, or the work that we do to put bread on the table, but the work we do that we have a passion for.  For the most of us, that does not mean the job we get up and go to every day -- at least for me it doesn't -- I grow increasingly tired of accounting each week. Most times the things we are passionate about are the areas we have talents and gifts.

Like I said, this is a really quick and easy block.  Think of it as the calm before the storm.  The next block is a little more complicated....

I kept some of the same colors and added a new accent color with this block.

Measure and cut carefully.  Then assemble the units.

Lay the block out before sewing....
The traditional Church Dash block looks like this when finished.

What sets our block apart, is that it will be set on point, and this gives it a different look.
The applique on this block is simple, too.   I'll deal a little with it on my next blog.  But it's a bit unusual and it's fun and it lends itself to embellishment if you like embroidery or beading.

Love and Stitches....


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