Friday, August 21, 2015

And Tiara Has Been Passed...

What a week...and it's still not over with.  I explained a week or so ago that my laptop went into meltdown and had to be restored.  I'm not sure what it is with me and computer adventures, but this week...of all weeks, I got the message from Microsoft that said my Windows 10 was ready for download.

"Big deal."  That's exactly the thought that ran through my head. I had had enough to the peculiarities of laptops and printers.  I was perfectly fine and okay with waiting a week or three to download the new stuff.   But then my laptop started not recognizing some of my drivers (like the one I use to download photos from my camera to my blog for you folks) and nothing I did made it work.

So evidently in the great scheme of bits, bytes, ram, and rom, I was destined to download Windows 10 whether I wanted to or not.  Which was really a "not" because this week I wanted to talk about quilting software.

Instead I spend three hours downloading "the big 10", waiting for it to do whatever mojo it needed to do to my apps and updating everything.  Then I spent another 45 minutes waiting on my pictures to load.  Which they eventually did. 

After spending about four hours of my life that I will never get back dealing with software I really didn't want, I did find that while my drivers now worked perfectly, my apps looked entirely different.  

You need to understand something about me and new technology.  I am a strong proponent of the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" rule.  I mean, I kept QuickBooks 2012 until Intuit no longer supported it just because I didn't want to retrain.  While I have may have enough patience to spend two years quilting a quilt by hand, I have none when it comes to technology.  When I turn my computer on, I want it to work.


Every.  Time.

Spending minutes -- no, hours -- dealing with back ups and updates and playing hide and seek with files does not make Sherri a happy quilter. 

Anyway, it's done.



Until some 19 year-old brain trust at Microsoft decided he or she needs to make older adults go nuts with another update.

That said,  the High Point Quilt Guild had its show last weekend and I had planned to post pictures of it.  I took tons, but alas, in the great scheme of "the big 10" I can't post them.  It was a wonderful show, and Shelle Mancl, the show chair, did a wonderful job.  Shelle wore the tiara of "show queen" well, and now it's someone else's chance to wear the crown. 

I hope by next week to have all the bugs eradicated from my laptop and post pictures, even if it means moving the blog to another domain.

Love and Stitches,


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