Friday, April 29, 2016

Of Kittens and Kidney Stones and Respiratory Viruses

This was one of those weeks when I had a to-do list and was ready to get at it and get things marked off.  I was rarin’ to go.  I have a quilt for history club that needs I need to finish quilting, blocks to make for my Farmer’s Wife class, and a few of those triangles for my Dear Jane class needed to get under my needle.

Funny how life gets in the way.

On Monday, after dinner, my DH comes to the back door and says, “Come here, I have something to show you.”

Being the time of year that it is, I figured it was a snake.  They are out, and we do live in a rural area, and we do see quite a few.  So when I rounded the corner I was completely surprised to find it was a kitten.

A tiny black and white kitten whose eyes are still blue-ish and needs to be with his mom.  But Mom is nowhere to be found and I’m playing foster mom to the little thing who I’ve named Scraps. Luckily he’s a feisty critter and has pretty readily taken to wet cat food and only drinks from a feeding syringe four times a day.

Tuesday brought its own round of issues – the DH came down with a kidney stone.  And as anyone who has had one of those rolling stones can tell you, they are no fun.  So Tuesday afternoon had me in the doctor’s office with him and then at the drugstore for $213.00 worth of kidney stone drugs.  Twenty-four hours later, the stone had passed and his life went on as normal.

Wednesday, I began feeling ill so Thursday found me at the doctor’s office, hacking and coughing, and generally feeling icky.  I was praying whatever it was would be bacterial so I could get an antibiotic and feel normal in about 24-hours. 


It’s a respiratory virus that takes about two weeks to recover from.  I left the drug store, having spent over $100 for seven prescriptions.  Seven.  I’ve never been on this many drugs.  I had to go home and make a chart so I would know exactly when I was supposed to take what. 

The upside to all of the medication is that I’m pretty sleepy most of the time.  The down side is that because I am sleepy most of the time, I’m not getting anything done.  So between a needy kitten and sickness, the topic of this blog is…life happens.  And when it does, you have to roll with it. 

I promise I will do better next week…

Love and Stitches,


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